Home2009October19Shocked! I’m shocked, I tell you! Shocked! I’m shocked, I tell you! October 19, 2009February 13, 2021 (Via SurvivalBlog) Texas industries find that a lack of Federal red tape means that they can be more efficient and innovative. Whoda thunk it?
Want a look at the future of the Obamanation? Here’s what we have to look forward to if our Glorious Leader continues his excellent work Changing the economy: In…
Ba-a-a-a!!! Michael Bane recommendsthis editorial by Liz Soares. Here’s a couple of excerpts: Which brings us back to the ammo shortage.…
Rut row, Raggy (Via Irons in the Fire) Someone has said out loud and in public what I’ve heard whispered in private lately.…