Home2009August19Well, that isn’t working Well, that isn’t working August 19, 2009February 13, 2021 Let’s try fear and intimidation instead: Democrats on a House committee are seeking detailed financial records from dozens of large insurance companies, officials disclosed Tuesday, part of an investigation into “executive compensation and other business practices” in an industry opposed to President Barack Obama’s plan to overhaul health care. The request included records relating to compensation of highly paid employees, documents relating to companies’ premium income and claims payments, and information on expenses stemming from any event held outside company facilities in the past 2 1/2 years. It’s time to rein the CongressCritters in.
Why we don’t allow Liberals/Progressives/Whatevers to write Christmas stories (Found on the local newspapers’ website, which must remain nameless for OpSec.) “A Charlie Brown Holiday”: Charlie Brown is tasked…
Are French men not up to the task? (Via Drudge) It would seem that French women prefer the effigy on Victor Noir’s grave to their own menfolk. So…
Ever read “Atlas Shrugged”? (Via the Drudge Report) If you have, then this story should sound wearily familiar. Remember, when they come to take…