In this time of stimulus
I have something for you to consider: A democracy cannot exist as a permanent form of government. It can only exist until the voters discover…
I have something for you to consider: A democracy cannot exist as a permanent form of government. It can only exist until the voters discover…
(As in, “laugh at because it’s funny” rather than “laugh at because it’s pitiful”. I’ve had way too much of that with The Bringer of…
Because North Carolina’s “Operation Slowdown” is back on the road. If I were passing through my beloved home state on an Interstate highway, I’d take…
So on Monday, the Head Tax Cheat’s bank rescue plan is delayed and the market goes down. Tuesday, he reveals the plan, and the market…
Well, whether or not you wish to be stimulated, you are going to be. It may be a procedural vote, but this is what it…
Honestly, it’s too early to answer that question, but the preliminary results are starting to come in, and things aren’t looking to promising for The…
Well, it seems that once again, the US Senate is going to be too clever by half. While public support for this gazillion dollar POS…
(Via the Drudge Report) Another liberal leftist idiot with no concept of property rights. What a surprise. Assuming that this will fall under the same…
Our fearless leader has finally discovered the Kentucky is one of the 57 states and has issued a disaster declaration after last week’s ice storm.…
Remember that I discussed earlier that the politicians would use “panic and crisis” to try scaring We the People in to demanding the economic porkulus…
(Via the Drudge Report) Time for some humor, San Fran Nan style! 500 million, huh? Store food now, because we’ll all be out of work…
Oopsie! I made a mistake. I promise I’ll learn from it. I’ll pick smarter tax cheats the next go-round.
(Via the Drudge Report) So what is it the Big O has for tax cheats for high government positions? First it was Geithner at Treasury,…
Eric Holder won his nomination for Attorney General 75-21. That means that a lot of people with an (R) after their name voted for this…
President Obama said Monday that Republican and Democratic governors across the country want “swift action” on an economic stimulus plan, urging Washington lawmakers not to…
Try stirring up some class envy instead. Hey, all those evil Wall Street types are such a tempting target. Some Change–it sounds like the same…
(Via Timebomb 2000) A million people are out of power, some are out of water, and it’s the middle of winter. Shelter can’t handle the…
Mr. Obama has already gotten one tax cheat in his cabinet, why not let him have another? After all, as the RINOs have said, he’s…
I’m glad that I belong to groups like the NRA and Grassroots NC–they do a good job of keeping me up to date on important…