You have to have one of these
Saturday was spent in large part at one of the “fall festivals” that dot our area at this time of year. If you’ve been to…
Saturday was spent in large part at one of the “fall festivals” that dot our area at this time of year. If you’ve been to…
But since I’m one of those bitter people who clings to his guns and religion, I want you to see it. As well as this…
(Originally found at Timebomb 2000; origin tracked to BlackFive) Wolf- Just came from the memorial ceremony here at NORTHCOM. LTC (CH) Robert Leivers led the…
GunReports notes that “Effective October 1, 2008, BATFE’s Federal Firearms Licensing Center will begin its permanent transfer of function from Atlanta, Georgia to Martinsburg, West…
Well, nothing, exactly.The problem is with how the now-computerized records could be misused by an agency that has been called “out of control”. The Uninvited…
Despite all of our super-duper finance people telling us that this bailout is necessary, and if we don’t get it the World As We Know…
(Via Timebomb 2000) A Pasco County woman was in jail Sunday charged with aggravated domestic battery. Her live-in boyfriend called police to the couple’s Castile…
Because the inmates are on the loose–and they’ve taken charge of our economy. OK, this is going to be big-time snarkage, because the entire story…
(Forward to me by the Mountain Man, who still doesn’t have his own blog) The Joys of Cycling–in the 50s, in Ireland, no less. The…
OK, let leave the normal Sunday big guns for something a bit more…personal.
It seems like the big dino-wopping Wall Street bailout is running into politics. Bloomberg notes that” U.S. Democratic lawmakers said they would act quickly on…
(Via The High Road) …that you carried during the Korean War. Against some pretty long odds, Virgil Richardson’s son Jim found the actual M1 Garand…
From the Good News Department (yes, contrary to popular opinion, there is some good news to be had), a federal judge has cleared Jim’s Gun…
Smelling “free money”, everyone is lining up for a taste of the pie: Senator Christopher Dodd, the Banking Committee chairman, said the plan’s framers should…
Yes, it’s intermission time here at the Panic of 2008. I don’t think I’m overstating the situation. What those of us who watched the world-wide…
While we’ve all be fixating on Wall Street, Jihadistan decided to take a swing at us in Yemen, bombing the US Embassy in that country.…
We’ve now entered into the early phases of the grand liquidation offinancial derivativesI wrote about last June. The most stunning—indeed flabbergasting—event so far has been…
U.S. stocks tumbled as bank lending seized up in the wake of the government’s takeover of American International Group Inc., raising concern that more of…
Remember when the Fed “persuaded” Bear Stearns to sell itself to JPMorgan Chase for $2/share, only to eventually have the price go up to something…
John Ross is enthusiastic about Sarah Palin. Nothing of earth-shaking import here, but Ross is always fun to read.
(Via LawDog) OK, I’m late to this party. But just in case you haven’t seen this, I want to draw your attention to it. Be…
(Via the Drudge Report) Not trying to be nasty, but just how else would you describe a politician, running for national office, who asks a…
(Via the Drudge Report) It would seem that the writers of cyberpunk got another one right: Google may take its battle for global domination to…
And you too can own this one: Of course, I bet the reloading press and dies for that brass are kinda steep….
The Smallest Minority has a collection of political cartoons for you. Finish your beer before you click. Your keyboard will thank you.
Major Chuck has the primo idea of all time to raise funds for the GOP: hunting trips. They really should do this. It torques all…
(Via Kim du Toit) You may recall my post about Richland County, South Carolina and their new armored vehicle. Radley Balko has a post at…
(Via Kim du Toit) It seems that Louisiana residents outside of Nawlins arequite prepared for hurricane season, thanks so much. “Hunting over bait” I don’t…
This window sticker came in the mail yesterday: I suppose that sums it up sufficiently.