Month: December 2008
Ah, Christmas break!
Yes, the Freeholder is on an extended break for Christmas. Well, sort of a break. I have firewood to deal with, a metal carport/awning-thingee that…
This story will just warm your heart
Well, it’ll warm it if your a gunnie like me. If you’re someone like Diane Feinstein or Schmuck Schumer, you’ll probably have fluids and semi-solids…
Down the memory hole again
It seems that The Bringer of Change may have some memory impairment. Did he talk to Blagojevich or not? Days of our Trailers has your…
More of “Denial is not a river in Egypt”
A public school system attempts to deal with a problem in a marginally realistic way, and “Controversy Erupts Over School Proposal to Teach Kids to…
Christmas humor
(Via Timebomb 2000) Lest we allow the stress of the holiday season get to us, how about some humor? When four of Santa’s elves got…
Illinois politics full of corruption and crime?
Who’da thunk it? Our best hope is that someone involved (up to their eyebrows) in all this decides to sing for their freedom. If that…
Absolutely unsure how to categorize this one…
Is this a story about the increasing over-militarization of our police, government interference in our private lives/choices or an exercise in black helicopter belief? Let…
There is, however, hope
When voters in Louisiana, arguably one of the most corrupt states in the union, can vote out a Congressman caught with a freezer full of…
The Big O apparently believes his own propaganda. Schools, roads, broadband for everyone, sunshine and puppies (OK, you got me on the last two) are…
What an incredibly crappy non-apology
(Via The War on Guns) H-S Precision, the gun culture fools de jure, has issued a non-apology. What a bunch of spineless losers. Dear H-S,…
News for global warming fetishists
The Drudge Report is just full of global warming-related items today. Good thing, since my little area of the world has been experiencing lower than…
How to build Stonehenge
(Via The Mountain Man (Get a blog!) andThe J-Walk Blog) Un-freaking-believable. I’m always in awe of people who solve problems with elegant simplicity.
DIY infrared video camera
Here’s a do-it-yourself video camera that operates in the infrared wavelengths. Night Vision Camera – Amazing videos are here As a bonus, you get instructions…
We caught a break
Saxby Chambliss has won his Senate race in Georgia. This means that the Democrats will not have a supermajority in the Senate. This gives us…
Snark from Fred Thompson
I got a link to the latest video message from Fred Thompson yesterday, and almost ruined a keyboard listening to it. I wanted to blog…
Adapting the new to service the old
(From pdb via Tam) How to carry M1 Garand en bloc clips in web gear meant for other things. If you own SOE gear, you’re…
Shut up already!
Bush, Bernake and Paulson speak; Dow drops 680 points. Do you think that silence might be golden, guys? Seriously, however, I have noticed something–most days…