I almost missed out on this, but Kim du Toit had a pointer to it on David Codrea’s blog:
On August 28, activists in cities across America will hold a national day of protest to focus attention on the scourge of illegal gun trafficking.
As I said on KABA Newslink Comments:
I’m going to try and start a blog swarm at WarOnGuns to get gun owners to buy a box of ammo on Aug 28–be nice if gun stores would offer some sort of nominal discount or a door prize (no purchase necessary to enter, just to keep things legal) or some such on that day to encourage this–Tuesdays may typically be slow days anyway, so this would get people in their stores and probably work out to their profit.
It’d be nice unintended consequences for the Bradys if we could demonstrate a few percentage points of sales increases on that day because of this.
I’m sure that there is some caliber I can use a box or two more of.