Home2007August13Dude, your prejudice is showing Dude, your prejudice is showing August 13, 2007February 15, 2021 (Via the Drudge Report) …the solemnity of the moment was shattered by Bill Plante of CBS, who bellowed to Bush: “If he’s so smart, how come you lost Congress?” No report on any retort, but I almost hope it was an “Oh yeah?!”
“And as a part of a new Clinton Presidency… (Via Oscar Poppa) …I will take over all preschools, spending $25 billion in the process. Our nanny state will once…
Dick Morris does health care Might as well check it out here; I understand that many in the government-approved media have refused to air it.…
A question for the masses For those of you who use Sitemeter, do you trust the statistics it generates? The reason I ask is that…