(Via War Rifles)
The “former Marine” in question was Derek J. Hale,a retired Marine Sergeant with two tours in Iraq, and who was decorated before being medical discharged for combat-related wounds in January 2006.
Hale had joined the Pagans motorcycle club some months before, and fell under suspicion because of that membership. By all reports Hale wasn’t a typical member, but it’s perfectly possible he wasn’t a choirboy, either.
He died in a puddle of his own vomit, shot 3 times in the chest after being Tasered 3 times by the Wilmington, DE SWAT team. All non-police witnesses claim that Hale never threatened the police, and was trying as best he could to comply with their orders. Of course, after being Tasered 3 times in succession, doing anything that requires a level of physical dexterity above that necessary to wet yourself is going to be a bit difficult.
Seems a bit hard to justify, if you ask me.