Home2006June9Are we sure? Are we sure? June 9, 2006February 15, 2021 (Via WorldNet Daily) Rejecting an argument being made by some conservatives in his own party, President Bush said Thursday that the idea that the United States could force millions of illegal immigrants to return home “ain’t gonna work.” How the hell do we know? We haven’t tried it yet, grumble grumble, grumble.
Once again, the date that lives in infamy arrives This time, it really is Sunday, December 7, though it is some 73 years after the fact. The men who…
More ATF hearings Demands on my time being what they are, I missed word that their would be more hearings on the ATF…
Rut row, Raggy (Via Irons in the Fire) Someone has said out loud and in public what I’ve heard whispered in private lately.…