Home2005September15OK, Holland’s off the list OK, Holland’s off the list September 15, 2005February 13, 2021 Note to self–if Holland was ever on the list of “places I might move to”, take it off ASAP. The Dutch government will begin tracking every citizen from cradle to grave in a single database, opening a personal electronic dossier for every child at birth with health and family data, and eventually adding school and police records. Wow.
Is it possible to combine a holiday, a range report and “birthday gun” porn all into one post? Well duh! Yes, Father’s Day 2008 was spent, in part at the range, with my Dad and my kids. Three…
Is this a great country, or what? Yeah, The Big O has us fighting (yet another) war what has way too many people asking “Dude…WTF?!” Yeah, the…
Didn’t we try something like this before? (Via the NRA-ILA) And it didn’t work very well? I can remember having to cough up all kinds of personal…