Home2005May11Lt. Pantano–Recommendation delayed Lt. Pantano–Recommendation delayed May 11, 2005February 15, 2021 The San Jose Mercury-News is reporting that The officer who presided over a pretrial hearing for a Marine suspected in the murder of two Iraqis expects to recommend this week whether the case goes forward for a court martial, a military spokesman said Monday. I’m still watching.
Get one while you can Serious shooters all know about the .50 BMG rifle. It’s a big, bad boomer makes the liberal gungrabbers wet themselves…
An interesting take on prisioner abuse John Ross, noted author and out of the box thinker, has this take on the Iraqi prisoner abuse scandal. Highly…
Going Green or preparing to survive? “Alternative Energy” is going mainstream, according to this Wired article. More and more people are installing solar or wind power…