Home2005May11Lt. Pantano–Recommendation delayed Lt. Pantano–Recommendation delayed May 11, 2005February 15, 2021 The San Jose Mercury-News is reporting that The officer who presided over a pretrial hearing for a Marine suspected in the murder of two Iraqis expects to recommend this week whether the case goes forward for a court martial, a military spokesman said Monday. I’m still watching.
Arrested? They ought to get a medal and a chance to finish the job! You catch some pervert in a tree, pants around his ankles, watching your 5-year-old daughter who’s asleep in her bed.…
RFID News, part 2 It never ceases to amaze me what people will do/give up in a quest for “perfect” security. The Brits want…
Closer to home, another hate speech incident (Via WorldNet Daily) At North Carolina’s flagship public university, the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, we have yet…