In North Carolina, May 10 is probably one of the most politically incorrect holidays you could imagine–Confederate Memorial Day. This day is set aside as a memorial for all those who fought for the Confederacy in the War of Northern Aggression. (Sorry, I’m not politically correct, either.)
Robert G. McLendon, commander (perhaps past commander now that a few years have passed) of Madison Starke Perry Camp 1424, Sons of Confederate Veterans, wrote on the occasion of Florida’s 2001 Confederate Memorial Day service:
Think what you will of those of us who remember our honored dead. Like many, I had family on both sides. I feel my kinship to those who fought for the South more acutely, and perhaps that has colored my views and my politics. However, I recognize both sides for what they were–patriots, fighting for their respective countries.
I take some comfort from the fact that now, 150 years after the end of that conflict, more and more of my fellow citizens believe that their government is an over-reaching behemoth that has exceeded its Constitutional bounds. And I take particular pride in knowing that my ancestors, 150 years ago, were fighting against just that.
Deo Vindice.