I feel much safer now…
I picked up on this from Kim du Toit. Now, boys, I’m here to tell you…if you’re upset, good. You ought to be. Anyone who…
I picked up on this from Kim du Toit. Now, boys, I’m here to tell you…if you’re upset, good. You ought to be. Anyone who…
The NY Post has this on John Kerry. I’ve always said that I doubted the sincerity of someone who is worth (or in this case,…
We have this little gem from ABC News. Yes, ImClone systems has won FDA approval for Erbitux. I wonder if Martha Stewart wishes she had…
The Democrat pretenders, er, contenders for the Presidency, aided and abetted by their sniveling (yet tame) tripe-hounds in the media, have be endlessly regaling us…
OK, so Farrragut was on the wrong side in the War of Northern Aggression. Bravery is bravery. I’m still fighting this template, but at least…
I was trying to fix a couple of things in the template and screwed the pooch. I’ll get it back together eventually. I’ve gotten the…
Another person with something to say takes the plunge into the blogging waters. Be afraid–be very afraid. I’m doing this on the spur of the…