Hey Earl! Get me a bucket of dihydrogen monoxide, will ya?
This is what happened when the eco-fools start believing their own propaganda: “ALISO VIEJO, Calif. — City officials were so concerned about the potentially dangerous…
This is what happened when the eco-fools start believing their own propaganda: “ALISO VIEJO, Calif. — City officials were so concerned about the potentially dangerous…
Big Brother is planning on enlarging the number of things it can wiretap. c|net’s News.com is reporting that the FBI now wants all broadband provider…
(Via WorldNet Daily) There was a reason that predators were hunted in the Old West. Wyoming is rediscovering that.
(Via WorldNet Daily) China is going to stop levying a tax on farmers that is over 4,000 years old. And we can’t do away with…
(Via WorldNet Daily) Just in case you haven’t been paying attention for the last umpteen years, here is another example of how our Leftist Liberals…
OK, so we couldn’t ban dofus lawsuits against gun manufacturers without those wacky kids from the Loopy Left chiming in with their “help”, so let’s…
This doesn’t need any further commentary. It stands quite well on its own,
It’s long been rumored that the US Government can track the movements of individualized bills. That said, I’m not sure what to make of this…
Well, it started out life as a law to protect a perfectly legal industry, firearms manufacturers, from nonsense lawsuits. It ended life with it’s own…
Here we go again to Haiti. I wonder when we’ll learn? Peace, commerce, and honest friendship with all nations, entangling alliances with none. Thomas Jefferson
This comes from Chaos Manor, one of my favorite sites. You’ll have to follow this link, then page down just a bit. “I would rather…
Via WorldNet Daily: I’ve long thought many of our policies had the potential to lead us down the path toward “Third-Worldism”, but I have to…
Via WorldNet Daily: 17-year-old gets death penalty for aggravated battery. No, not really, but that’s the way it worked out. He may have been a…
I saw this website about a week ago in a Usenet post. It’s about a Nevada rancher, Dudley Hiibel, a run-in with The Law and…
After months of hoop-la, condemnation by people who could not possibly have seen the film and “What did the Pope say and when did he…
There is a growing chorus of yapping, led by the Congressional Black Caucus (you mean they aren’t the hyphenated-American Caucus?) and the braying jackasses of…
Don Bendell, a Vietnam veteran and former Special Forces member, pens this opinion of presidential pretender John Kerry. You’ll have to scroll down the page…
It’s just too good. Got this from Jerry Pournelle’s website, then tracked it’s home to Global Specops. A U. S. Army Special Forces patrol. Sometimes…
Here’s another case that documents how our own government (you know, the one “by the people, for the people”) doesn’t trust its own citizens and…
The far-out left has to have a candidate–and it’s Ralph Nader to the rescue! This ought to be interesting.
We were warned many thoughtful commentators soon after 9-11 that if we were not careful, we’d do more damage to ourselves that the terrorists ever…
I want to point you toward The Travel Insider. Yeah, I know, yet another travel site. Wrongo! This is not Expedia or Orbitz or any…
You can read about that here, along with a lot more on the subject of bottled | filtered | spring | etc. water. I wonder…
(Via WorldNet Daily) “The widow of an expert on vintage shotguns had her husband’s ashes loaded into cartridges and used by friends for the last…
If this doesn’t get a laugh out of you, nothing will. Do you think Tim Berners-Lee expected his invention would be used for such things?
We bought and watched Secondhand Lions this weekend. If you haven’t seen it, do yourself a favor and do so. The best thing about it…
(This via WorldNet Daily.) I’m all in favor of the private accumulation of wealth, but I hate how it usually gets used. Perhaps the shade…
It might be a minor victory for the Constitution, but at this point I’ll happily take it. According to Newsday, BATF is no longer releasing…
I’ll leave you for tonight with this: “If you will not fight for the right when you can easily win without bloodshed, if you will…