(Via Capitalist Lion)
Mike, the blogmiester of Cold Fury, really cuts the Seriously Loopy Leftists a new one. A quickie:
Ahem. Now before anyone gets the wring idea, the point he is is working toward is how crazy some of the twaddle from the True Believers has become since Nov. 2. Some of the nonsense, especially places like Democratic Underground, has taken on a surreal edge that Luis Buñuel would have envied.
But in a testimony to the weird way my mind works, I think we need…A CONTEST! Yes, Mike has made an excellent start in enumerating the Left’s Feverish Fantasies, but as a collective whole, the blogosphere can do better.
I’m going to start this off, and anyone who wishes to chime in, post a comment. If I can get enough, I’ll turn it into a blog entry.
And a name–we need a name for this. And a logo. We gotta have a logo. Who knows some seminal piece of Surrealistic art that we could use…we can start a whole new bunch of links, a la the Digital Brownshirts.
My entry:
And we’re going to drill in the Arctic National Wildlife Preserve. And don’t worry about the caribou–they’ll make tasty burgers for the guys who are drilling for the oil to power our big new 5 MPG SUVs on all those new highways we’re going to build through the wetlands.
Come on, get in the game.